STMicroelectronics has recently released a new flight time/ranging sensor that uses a superlens designed by Metalenz, a Harvard spin-off company, to replace traditional optical lenses. This superlens-based sensor has a longer ranging range and is more power efficient compared to previous products. It can measure through a 43.5° x 43.5° square field of view with a 44 resolution at 60Hz or a 88 resolution at 15Hz, providing distance information through an I2C or SPI serial interface. Despite its complex internal structure, it is compact in size.
The new ToF sensor based on superlens can achieve a range more than one times greater -- 4 meters in indoor environments -- or half the power consumption relative to the previous generation ToF sensor. The increased range and decreased power consumption are due to the more efficient VCSEL drive circuit and the increased light collection ability of the superlens. The minimum target distance of the VL53L8 sensor is not explicitly stated in the data manual, but its predecessor, the VL53L5CX sensor, has a minimum ranging distance of 2 cm, an apparent resolution of 1 mm, a accuracy of ±15 mm within the range of 20-200 mm, and an accuracy of 4-11% within the range of 201-4000 mm, depending on the ambient lighting.